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SGOL vs GLD comparison

SGOL vs GLD performance comment

Market Performance Metrics Overview

High 19.80 191.89
Low 19.14 185.45
Close 19.23 186.40
Start Price 19.68 190.72
Gain % -2.29% -2.27%
Annualized Gain % -34.78% -34.45%
Annualized Volatility % 10.30% 10.29%
Max Drawdown % -2.59% -2.56%
Sharpe Ratio -3.72 -3.69

Insights and Commentary:

Market Performance

Both SGOL and GLD experienced a decrease in price over the 60-day period. The gain percentage for SGOL and GLD was -2.29% and -2.27% respectively, indicating a similar negative trend in both markets.

Annualized Gain and Volatility

The annualized gain percentages for both markets stand at approximately -34.78% for SGOL and -34.45% for GLD. The annualized volatility for SGOL and GLD is around 10.30% and 10.29% respectively, suggesting that both markets exhibit similar levels of risk.

Max Drawdown

The maximum drawdown for SGOL is approximately -2.59%, while for GLD it is around -2.56%. This metric measures the largest loss from a peak to a trough during the specified time period, highlighting the potential downside risk for investors.

Sharpe Ratio

The Sharpe ratio, which assesses the return of an investment relative to its risk, stands at -3.72 for SGOL and -3.69 for GLD. A higher Sharpe ratio is generally more favorable, indicating a better risk-adjusted return. In this case, both markets exhibit negative ratios, suggesting a relatively high level of risk compared to the potential return.

In conclusion, the 60-day performance analysis reveals that both SGOL and GLD experienced a negative trend, with similar levels of annualized gain, volatility, drawdown, and Sharpe ratio. Investors should closely monitor these markets and consider the associated risk when making investment decisions.

SGOL YTD Return (Daily)

Comment on YTD Total Returns Results of SGOL

Performance Overview

The YTD Open for SGOL was 19.75, with the YTD High reaching 19.8 and the YTD Low at 19.14, before closing at a value of 19.23. This resulted in a YTD Gain % of -2.29, with an Annualized Gain % of -34.78. The YTD Annualized Volatility % was 10.30, and the YTD Max Drawdown % was -2.59. The YTD Sharpe Ratio calculated at -3.72 indicates the risk-adjusted return of the investment.

Historical Performance

Looking at historical data, the Last Year Annualized Gain % stood at 12.16, with an Annualized Volatility % of 13.39. The Last Year Max Drawdown % was -11.31, whilst the Last Year Sharpe Ratio was 0.93. The Historical Annualized Volatility (excluding the current year) was 15.60% and the Historical Annualized Gain (excluding the current year) was 6.05%. The maximum drawdown in data (excluding the current year) was -45.51% and the Average Sharpe Ratio for all years (excluding last) was 0.39.

Current Market Condition

The Current last close was recorded at 19.23, with the MA 200 at 18.80, MA 50 at 19.33, and MA 5 at 19.33. The Current average annualized volatility stands at 9.72%, with the Average annualized volatility a month ago at 16.74%. This indicates a decrease in volatility over the past month. The comparison of the current price to the moving averages shows that the current price is above the MA 200 but lower than the MA 50, indicating a possible short-term bearish trend and a long-term bullish trend. This suggests the potential for market correction in the short term while remaining positive for the long term.

SGOL Annual Dividends

No dividends.

Published: 2024-01-25

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